As you walked into McKinley High, you felt trepidation overtake you. You were a senior, and it was already partway through the first semester. Moving schools has always been hard, but no move felt harder than this one. Maybe it was leaving behind your old friends, or maybe it was missing out on your old extracurriculars. Either way, the loss was sharp and fresh. You gripped the strap of your bag tighter.
You walked down the halls, glancing nervously from the other students filtering in around you to the schedule in your hand. It was still early, so you had a bit of time to figure out where all your classes were. You read over your schedule one more time, cementing it into your memory:
First period, calculus. Second period, biology. Ugh. Third period..!
As you were distracted by your schedule, you bumped into someone.
Oh, shit! I'm so sorry! ...Why am I wet?
You look down at yourself, and find red slushee dripping down your front. You take a second look at who you were apologizing to, and notice they too are covered in slushee, though considerably more than yourself.
That would be the slushie. My outfits are normally more fabulous, but red really isn't my color. I'm Kurt, by the way. I haven't seen you around here before.
Oh... yeah, today's my first day.
Huh, well not a great first day if you're already getting slushied, right?
Is... that something that happens a lot around here?
Only if you're a nobody. It's sort of a game for the athletic types around here.
And the teachers don't do anything? They don't get punished for it?
What would they even do about it? It's not like getting a lecture or a detention will make them stop. It'll just make them angry.
You shrug. You had never heard of such a lax policy on bullying. Kurt sighed and glanced down the hallway. More and more people were filtering in as classtime grew closer.
Why don't we go to the bathroom and clean up? We can talk more then.